"Why not build  your deposit whilst paying rent in the house you love and have an option to buy anytime?"
Richard George - CEO HLPS

So how will it work?

Rent to Ownership 'Block by Block'

Step 1:

Find a HLPS home to rent. Homes will be mostly new.
Enter into a rental agreement but with an option to buy at any time.
Step 1. Apply for a HLPS hoe via the app. Search for a home and and enter a tenancy contract and move in.

Step 2:

It's a standard tenancy agreement.
Buy more 'Blocks' each month when you can.
'Blocks' are linked to your home's value - you become a virtual co-investor in your home.

Step 2: Pay rent, purchase Blocks which are linked to the property value in the house rented and monitor the investment.

Step 3:

You can redeem your 'Blocks' for a mortgage deposit, stay in your home for as long as you wish whilst increasing your 'Blocks'.
You can transfer your 'Blocks,' value for value, to another HLPS home. Or even use 'Blocks' to cover rent in hard times.
What can I do with Blocks graphic showing the ability to redeem them for cash, stay and save more blocks as rent is paid. Move to another HLPS property or step back; release blocks back in times of hardship perhaps. A rent holiday.
Moving in can be fun

HLPS.ME Residents' benefits

With HLPS.ME there will be:
  • No big deposit needed
  • No chance of negative equity
  • The ability to transfer to another home fast
  • Redeem blocks e.g. for a mortgage deposit or in lieu of rent in hard times
  • And keep up with property prices!